Happy New Year!!!
Just doesn’t have the ring I remember.
Truth be told the last couple of years have been… tough.
Not just challenging. Or hard. But heartbreaking-ly barely bare-able.

And if I’m honest. Things don’t look like they are going to be much better next year.
If you believe in God, then you are praying – Dear God, please make it better!
AND if you believe in God, the God of the Old AND New Testaments… well, you aren’t really expecting improvement in the way the world is going. You know that…
“Men’s hearts will wax worse and worse”
But – you also believe the promises.
The promise that He loves us sooooo very much that he literally gave everything for us.
That he NEVER forgets us and is always with us.
Planning good things for us and “Singing over” us.
That NO MATTER what happens in this sphere – We’ll be fine.

But if you believe the news. The Pandemic. The Politics. The Climate Change.
The Wars… and rumors of wars…
God help us.
It appears we cannot help ourselves!!!
“I pray you’ll be our eyes…”

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